9 Phone Interview Tips to ACING Your Interview

Download transcript: https://www.jobinterviewtools.com/phone-interview-tips/ Get my 9 best Phone Interview Tips. If you have a phone interview coming up then I've got some great tips and strategies that I want to share with you in this video. The reason that you’ve got a phone interview is because your employer is pre-screening you for a real interview. They want to evaluate you on the phone before they invite you in for a real interview. With a few good phone interview tips, you'll be ready for your interview. That way they can talk to you they can see what you sound like and they can ask a few questions that are going to help them to quickly qualify you as to whether they want to meet you in person or not and discuss the job at hand. That's what a phone interview is and sometimes they can last five minutes sometimes it can be more like twenty minutes or they can go on for a whole hour. It just depends on how the conversation goes and what their intent is but usually an employer can qualify somebody as to whether they want to meet them or not within like five or ten minutes on the phone. So I'm going to help you improve your phone interview skills. so let's get started with my best phone interview tips.