পবিত্র কাবা শরিফ সম্পর্কে ১০টি অজানা তথ্য। যা প্রতিটি মুসলমানের জানা দরকার । Holy Kaaba Sharif

Mecca seige | When Kaaba was held hostage by Juhaiman Al Otaybi in 1979 The Mecca attack of 1979 is the most unfortunate event for every individual of this Ummah, A fake Mahdi claimant, Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al Qahtani held all the pilgrims as well as Ka'aba hostage for Days, until the Saudi Forces had to initiate a mini battle in the Land of Haram Source Of Information : The Meccan Rebellion (book), Sheikh Yasir Qadhi's Speeches, Wikipedia, and Original News Footages Lecture by — Saad ibn Sabah Presentation by — Sirat Al Mustaqeem