麻辣雞煲 - 異地戀 Spicy Chicken Hotpot - Long Distance Relationships

今日煮一個舒服暖胃嘅西湯,同埋講吓我最鍾意同最唔鍾意邊個國家嘅菜式。 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 A hearty, perfect for winter goulash soup; plus I'll be picking my favourite/least favourite cuisine. If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel. Cheers. 牛肩肉500克 - 500g of chuck steak 洋蔥1個 - 1 onion 蒜1個 - 1clove of garlic 辣椒1條 - 1 chili 紅蘿蔔2條 - 2 carrots 豆角15條 - 15 green beans 馬鈴薯2個 - 2 potatoes 紅腰豆100克 - 100g of kidney beans 麵粉2湯匙 - 2tbsp of plain flour 牛油20克 - 20g of butter 番茄膏1湯匙 - 1tbsp of tomato puree 醋1茶匙 - 1tsp of vinegar 甜椒粉2茶匙 - 2tsp of sweet paprika 葛縷種子1湯匙 - 1tbsp of caraway seeds 黑胡椒粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of black pepper 牛肉湯1.5公升 - 1.5L of beef stock 月桂葉2片 - 2 bay leaves 酸忌廉 - Sour cream 鹽 - salt Column: http://columns.classes.com.hk/bob Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bobsuruncle Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/homecookhk/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/bobsyouruncle1981