Selamat Jalan Kekasih - Teresa Teng

“Wherever there are Chinese People, there’s Teresa Teng’s music.” Hong Kong evoked nostalgia in me even though this was my first visit. The city is full of memories of the late Teresa Teng, the pop diva whose hit ballads such as 「Sweet as Honey」 and 「The Moon Represents My Heart」 captured the hearts of millions across Asia and transcended not only geographical boundaries but time and generations as well. Memorabilia of Teng can be easily found in the city, which piqued my curiosity about the life of this legendary singer... More details ➡️ 慧秀在香港之鄧麗君特輯: 雖然我是韓國人,又是第一次來香港,不過我對香港的感覺卻不陌生,原因之一應該就是像《甜蜜蜜》、《月亮代表我的心》等一批超越了時代、超越了國籍的大眾情人鄧麗君的歌。 「只要有華人的地方,就有鄧麗君的歌聲。」 雖然鄧麗君過世已經20多年了,不過她仍然留在很多人的心目中,人們還在聽她的歌曲。 今天,慧秀在香港一家鄧麗君生前最愛的上海菜餐廳里,特意採訪了音樂製作人馮添枝先生... 更多細節 ➡️ ======================= Subscribe NOW to HALLYU WORLD: OFFICIAL SITE: ======================= © 2017 Hallyu World. All Rights Reserved.