Cassandra Community Webinar | Understanding How CQL3 Maps to Cassandra's Internal Data Structure

My book "Patterns in Data Management" is now available both as an ebook or a print book (with color graphics!). See: This book is not a standard textbook on database techniques. This book was written extending and complementing preexisting educational videos (including this one). How are the two terms core and CPU related? How does a typical multicore storage hierarchy look like? What is different compared to the storage hierachy? Why isn’t L1 shared as well among multiple cores? What is a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architecure? What is different compared to the multicore architecture? What does this imply for accesses to DRAM? Bonus Question: How again does this relate to The All Levels Are Equal? Video for my inverted classroom "Database Systems". The complete list of videos and additional material is available at Computer Science, Saarland University: Bachelor (in German): Master (in English): Ph.D./Grad School: