Turkish Eggplant Kebab Baking Recipe

Bread sweet recipe Milky sweet easy to make We will use sliced ​​bread We need bread for a tray We cut the hard parts of your thinly sliced ​​broth Put bread slices on the pile. I prepare six tray desserts For hundreds of people A tray for twenty-five ovens is baking a hundred and seventy degrees Cooking for ten minutes Make a little sugary drink for bread One liter of boiling water for one tray We add a total of six liters of water A little salt Add lemon juice or lemon juice Two pounds of sugar Breads were red Share in equal quantities We sliced ​​bread Add a little more than 8 liters of milk to a liter of milk for a tray dessert Boil 750 grams of margarine and wait Add four kilos of sugar Prepare two kilos of wax Add vanilla add two kilos of semolina Wait till a solid convulsion Add milky sweet breads. Fix them. Add coconut. Add plenty of coconut After the cold, we can split the pieces together and add the ready-made sauce to the dessert service Get a soft texture and a light dessert