机甲兽神 - The Mechnimals_01

第3集 喜爱冒险的赛车手浩影来到一片山脚下的森林,结识了洛奇与佩罗。三人在结伴找寻食物的过程中接连碰上意外,倒霉不断,直到偶遇的当地村民告诉他们,这些原来都是浩影捡到的两块盾牌惹的祸。村民还说如果要摆脱霉运,就必须在天黑前将盾牌送回山顶。在蜿蜒的山道上,洛奇与浩影进行了一场谁先将盾牌送回山顶的比赛。 Episode 3 Aaron, a car racer who likes adventuring, come to a forest lays at the foot of the mountain, and it is here that he meets Rockin and Perot. They kept encountering accidents when they try to find some food. Not until the villagers told them it is because the two shields Aaron picked would bring bad luck, they were still ignorant about it. Villagers also told them, if they want to get rid of the bad luck, they need to bring those shields back to the top of the mountain before dusk. On the winding mountain road, Rockin and Aaron start a battle of bringing the shields back to the mountain top.