‧ 我的奇妙男友/My Amazing Boyfriend-s1-靈植cp-愛呦

【☝欢迎点击订阅华策影视官方频道 Subscribe to Huace Film & TV Official Channel☝】 ▹《我的奇妙男友》完整播放列表/Full Playlist:https://goo.gl/ZcXXco ▹剧情简介:“基因突变人“薛灵乔(金泰焕饰)沉睡百年后,在一场车祸中意外被倒霉女星田净植(吴倩饰)唤醒。身世诡异、能力不凡的薛灵乔软硬兼施住进田净植家,田净植表面装作不在乎,背地里却想方设法要赶走这只“妖怪”。不料,这样的互相折磨,竟让两人的关系日渐升温,暧昧的情丝悄悄蔓延。然而,逐渐明朗的不仅是薛灵乔和田净植相爱的心,一个跨越百年的惊天大阴谋也慢慢浮出水面。 ▹Synopsis: Xue Ling Qiao an otherworldly being who has been asleep for a century, is accidentally awakened by Tian Jing Zhi, who is forced to share her home with this awkward man with super powers. From bickering to eventually warming up to each other, unlikely romance blossoms between them, but will a cosmic conspiracy keep them apart? ■□更多精彩内容请订阅■□ 華策FUN國際|HUACE GLOBAL FUN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9M9sV3sGmutY26H4LNBTww 华策影视Facebook官方主页 https://www.facebook.com/huacemedia/ 华策影视推特官方账号 https://twitter.com/HuaceInfo