OSHO: Psychologists Know Nothing About Themselves

I Don't Have Any Biography OSHO: My Only School Was that River While Osho gives never importance to his biographical life, he often shares personal details with us as here in this Press interview excerpt in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, USA with John McCarthy, Lewiston Tribune, Idaho, United States. Where do you live and what do you do?: "I don't do anything. I am not a doer. How do you spend your time? How does the day pass for you? It passes so fast, but I enjoy it immensely. I must sleep about ten hours every day – eight hours in the night, two or three hours in the day – because to me, sleep is meditation. For three hours I enjoy my bathroom – one and a half hours in the morning, one and a half in the evening. I have loved water from my very childhood, because it is my understanding that life has arisen out of water. And now scientists are thinking on the same lines, that life must have arisen in water. Every child in the mother's womb repeats the whole cycle of evolution. First he looks like a fish; only later on does he start looking like a monkey. And between these two he passes through almost all the phases that man has passed through. In his last stage he even has a tail that falls off before his birth, and everybody still has the place where the tail was attached. Those bones show that there was something attached to them, which is missing. But the beginning is as a fish, and for nine months the child lives continuously in sea water. In the mother's womb, the water in which the child floats has exactly the same components as the water in the sea. That's why when a woman is pregnant she starts eating more salt, starts enjoying more salty things – because that water needs more salt, that baby needs more salt. She is unaware of why she is doing it, but the child needs it exactly like sea water. So, I have enjoyed water from my very childhood. My birthplace had a beautiful river. I don't think of anybody in that place, but once in a while, lying in my tub or in my swimming pool, I remember that beautiful river. That's the only thing that I remember of my birthplace – no teacher, no family, no friends. My only friend, my only teacher, my only school was that river. And it has taught me immensely. Just to create the illusion, I have a swimming pool here of Olympic size. I have beautiful bathrooms. Nothing else matters to me much, but my sannyasins have made me two beautiful bathrooms – two, because any moment if something goes wrong with one bathroom, then I am not going to miss my bath. And they have made my bathrooms with such love that they look like temples, with beautiful Jacuzzis – with hot water, normal cold water, ice-cold water. And I enjoy. That to me is meditation. In every act, my meditation continues. And then I talk for five hours every day – two and a half hours in the morning, two and a half hours in the evening. One and a half hours goes to my food, one hour I go driving. That I have always enjoyed. I have my own road; my people love me so immensely, I don't think anybody has ever been so loved, and has been so blessed. I don't know – I wonder why they love me, because I don't have anything to offer them. But it is a miracle, and miracles happen. They have created a special road just for me. It is used only for one hour every day; twenty-three hours it has to rest – no traffic. My people are so concerned about my life that they don't want me to drive in traffic, because I am a terrific driver and I don't believe in any rules – I may drive on the right, I may drive on the left, I may drive in the middle. So my poor people had to create a road just for me, so I can drive anywhere, any way, any speed I want. And this is how my day passes. It passes so fast, but I live every moment of it very intensely." Chose playlist in your own language: http://goo.gl/c2Qgk Copyright © OSHO International Foundation OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation