2016.08.27台灣大搜索/農曆七月跳鍾馗觸禁忌 藝人陳子強3親人過世

【☝ 欢迎点击订阅华策影视官方频道 | Subscribe to Huace Film & TV Official Channel ☝】 ▹《钟馗传说》完整播放列表/Full Playlist:https://goo.gl/4rkesH ▹剧情简介:钟馗是中国民间传说中驱鬼辟邪之神,从古至今,钟馗打鬼捉妖的故事几乎人人熟知,足见钟馗在民间的影响极为深广。据古代典籍记载,钟馗被唐玄宗敕封为“驱魔大神”,遍行天下“斩妖驱邪”;又被玉皇大帝敕封为专管凡尘不平事的“天师”,为人间降妖除魔。于是钟馗带领结义兄弟柳含烟、王富曲和五天童开始了他们惊心动魄的冒险之旅,使三界免遭覆灭的劫难。 ▹Synopsis: Zhong Kui is a legendary god in ancient Chinese folklore, famous for subduing demons and evil spirits. Even today, everyone is familiar with the stories of Zhong Kui’s exorcism, which reflects the extensive influence of Zhong Kui.According to the ancient books, Zhong Kui was conferred the title of “God of Exorcism” by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty to travel and rid the world of “demons and evil spirits”, as well as the title of “Heavenly God” by the Jade Emperor to fight against injustice in the mortal world, as well as subdue monsters and slay demonAnd so Zhong Kui led his sworn brothers Liu Hanyan, Wang Fuqu and Wu Tiantong on a thrilling adventure. Along the journey, Zhong Kui restrained the Wolf Demon, and through his own death uncovered the plot by Taishang Laojun’s disciple to produce the Elixir of Evil. With the help of others, he shattered Zizai Demon’s plot to unify the Three Realms, and reunited the lovers, the Jade Emperor’s sixth princess and Prince Peng, in a touching romance that spanned the Three Realms. Together with the Eight Immortals, he subjugated the Donkey Demon, resolved the love-hate relationships in the mortal world with his righteousness, and restored order to the Three Realms. Using reason and empathy, Zhong Kui helped Princess Xixi let go of her hatred of the Heavenly Palace, and also successfully foiled Master of Yunxiaodian’s plot of returning the world back to the ice age, thus preventing destruction and catastrophe in the Three Realms. ■□更多精彩节目请订阅■□ 華策FUN國際|HUACE GLOBAL FUN https://www.youtube.com/huacefun 华策影视Facebook官方主页 https://www.facebook.com/huacemedia 华策影视推特官方账号 https://twitter.com/HuaceInfo