México Muestra el Verdadero Poder de su Armada.

The September 16 military parade in honor of the anniversary of Mexican Independence is an annual tradition dating back to the late 19th century and the beginning of the professionalization of the Mexican Armed Forces in the 20th century. Held yearly in the Zócalo in Mexico City, this parade, the largest of the various parades held simultaneously nationwide on September 16, Mexican Independence Day, is presided by the President of Mexico in the fulfillment of his duty as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. It is also attended by members of the Cabinet of Mexico, the Congress of the Union, civil service employees, the Secretaries of National Defense and Navy, members of the Mexican Armed Forces and Federal Police, uniformed service veterans, the state diplomatic corps, delegations representing the religious sector, indigenous peoples, sports and the private sector, and the general public. Seen on TV and the Internet and heard on radio, this is one of the biggest events of the year. Taking part in this are members of the Mexican Armed Forces and the Federal Police. Desfile militar mexicano del 16 de septiembre del 2017. Con comentarios en vivo (sin comentarios de transmisión de tv), se escuchan los himnos de las fuerzas armadas mexicanas mientras las entonan los integrantes del desfile militar.