RollerCoaster Tycoon World《過山車大亨:世界》Part 1 - 童年回憶!

There's Poop In My Soup is a simple game recently launch on steam. Have you ever wanted to poop on people but were too shy to just go for it? There's poop in my soup lets you do just that, poop in soups, poop on people, poop on poodles, poop anywhere you please, from the streets of New York to Paris to Beijing. Poop on everybody. 《我的汤里有屎》是一款非常重口味的动作过关类奇葩游戏,玩家们将通过高空抛屎的方式来整蛊下面的人们获取更高的分数完成过关。游戏中玩家将操控一位小男孩,疯狂的用屎砸向路人,通过完成对屎的列表来解锁更多威力大的导弹。在这个游戏中,你将体验到便便的迷之物理,你还能学习为别人汤里加料的乐于助人精神,你还能喂孩子吃屎哄孩子高兴! LIKE & SHARE 如果你喜歡這個影片哦;DD 更多試玩遊戲: 關注我的Youtube : 關注老吳FB: 直播副頻道 :