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My babies suffered from a pretty bad case of flat-head aka plagiocephaly. Watch this video if you want to learn how to make a baby pillow which will hopefully round-out your babies head! I flip the pillow over every now and then to diversify the head-shaping as much as possible. So sometimes the neck support will be under the neck, and some other times it will be above the head (if that makes sense). UPDATE 25 Jan - To all of the new mommas and poppas out there, hello and congratulations! I have been seeing a lot of articles in the papers and online about flat head. In all of them they say that 'Tummy Time' should be enough to round out your baby's head. I don't think this is true. At least for a lot of us - especially seeing how many people search for videos like mine. If you have concerns, please go to your doctor, and if they keep saying the same thing as the article, keep insisting that you need more for your child. Don't ever feel like you're not doing enough 'Tummy Time' and don't blame yourselves if your baby STILL has a flat head. My boys' flat heads got worse with every passing day. The moment I used this pillow, I could see a change. If you don't see an immediate change (by the next day or next couple of days) see a doctor or physio. This video is aimed to newborns - 8 month olds (since I'm not experienced in flat-head with older kids). All the best with your little ones. PLEASE give feedback if the pillow you made worked and especially if it DIDN'T work. And if something else worked, please let us know. xoxo Sar Music credit: 'Get Back' by Silent Partner https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music