麻婆茄子【簡単レシピ】フライパン1つで簡単に♪辛さ控えめでお子様にも★fried egg plant with Chinese chili sauce

Please Subscibe soon! https://www.youtube.com/user/papadesuyo777 Japanese recipe:http://cookpad.com/recipe/2749163 The report in my blog:http://ameblo.jp/cooking-s-papa/entry-11909580130.html ●Ingredients (for 2 people) 600g of ground pork 1tsp of salt a white leek 200g of lotus roots 10 leaves of green perilla 1 egg 1tbsp of Shaoxing wine 1tbsp of soy sauce 1tbsp of sesame oil 3tbsp of potato starch ●Sauce 250ml of chicken stock 50ml of Shaoxing wine 50ml of vinegar 2tbsp of sugar 50ml of soy sauce 1tbsp of oyster sauce 3tbsp of ketchup 1tsp of sesame oil some cornstarch ●Garnish some bean sprouts some white radish sprouts ★Please follow me! Twitter: http://twitter.com/s_papa777 Blog: http://ameblo.jp/cooking-s-papa/ BGM:☆(Star): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVI98i6vigc http://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/nc151 Composition/performance :igrek-U      http://www.youtube.com/user/igrek2U?feature