台北故宮 清宮傳世12至14世紀青瓷特展

康熙御製琺瑯彩盌,罕以粉紅作地,花式開光繪群芳,暗溢清香,世上僅存兩件近例,無疑是香港春季拍賣的王牌。仇國仕(Nicolas Chow)對這件罕世重器極有信心,這位蘇富比亞洲區主席直言「極有可能超越HK$3億成交」…… 詳文請按:http://bit.ly/2Gu2kKz This pink-ground bowl is without question the finest example of its type and the only ever recorded with this design, with only two closely related examples known to have survived. The Value has interviewed Nicolas Chow, Chairman of Sotheby’s Asia. Speaking of the price that the bowl is expected to fetch, he has strong confidence: “There is a high chance that this bowl will fetch in an excess of HK$300m.” Full article: http://bit.ly/2DtG5RZ