Learn Japanese - Learn to Introduce Yourself in Japanese!

Hello! Learn Japanese for free with Nihongonomori! This is JLPT N1 文字語彙 Final test series. Noriko teacher gonnna teach. Part1 ①秋に漂う花の香り 1 ただよう 2におう 3ひょうう 4 ②私は麻布10番に頻繁に行く 1 びんはん 2びんぱん 22 ひんぱん 4ひんばん ③すべての準備は整っている。後はやるだけだ。 1 いたって  2ととのって 3そろって 4もうけて ④散歩を頑なに拒むネコが可愛すぎるww 1 こばむ 2いどむ 3はばむ 4きょむ ⑤潔くかっこよく・・・生きたいなぁ。 1.こころよく 2いちじるしく 3はなはだしく 4いさぎよく ⑥ツアー客に紛れてガイドさんの話を聞くのもあり! 1 まぎれて 2 もまれて 3さえぎられて 4かすれて Then you found the right place! In Nihongonomori, There are more than 700 videos just waiting for YOU! We have a great variety of videos, such as JLPT preparations for all levels of fluency, Japanese for English Speakers, “A little bit dangerous Japanese” which covers Japanese slang and contemporary Japanese. For viewers who want to learn Japanese dialect, we have West Japan dialect videos and many more!!! Other lectures and Q&A! Other Japanese language lessons Please learn Japanese by visiting our online free Japanese website. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ https://www.nihongonomori.com ←来てください! https://www.facebook.com/Nihongonomori ありがとうございます。 Thank you. 日本語の森 Nihongonomori