Aïn Soltane | Damous El Khanga | Exploring Tunisia

My first trip to the South of Tunisia was so great I jumped at the opportunity to do it again, but of course, visiting different areas. Day 1 We start as usual very early as we begin the 5-hour drive to the south. We stopped along the way to rest and pick up members of our group. We arrived in Gabes, and went the Oasis of Chenini, but this time we took a horse drawn carriage ride into the oasis and back. We then stopped at a small zoo and took in the animals there. From there we departed to the part of the oasis we visited last time with its natural bridges and caves. We then went to Matmata and experienced a Troglodyte home, it was amazing to see how the locals built their homes into the ground to keep it cool in the desert heat. We stopped at a look out where we got a great view of Matmata. We then departed to Hotel Sidi Driss where the original Star Wars was film, specifically the scenes of Uncle Ben’s home. As a lifelong Star Wars fan, this was just excellent for me. We then went to the Hotel and settled in for the night. Day 2 I woke up early to get a view of the sunrise, but was so surprised to also get a view of a moonset!! It was just amazing and great way to start the day. On our way to the next location we came across a Geothermal cooling tower. I was so amazed at how they can use their resources to live in the desert. South Tunisia has a few geothermal springs that has very hot water. The water is usually too hot to use so they have cool it down. We then had short stop at Dbebcha, a place with interesting sand formations formed by the wind and sun. It looked like an alien world. Back on the bus we saw that we were on a road that was barren and extremely flat on both sides. We were driving through a shallow lake that had evaporated. It is called Chott El Djerid. We took the time to enjoy the unique surroundings and of course, lots of pictures. After a camera accident (small damage but still working!), we got back on the road. We then got to Tozeur and took another horse drawn carriage into an oasis. We got a guided tour on this oasis as it is considered to be very natural. We then took a tour of the Chak Wak Park, and odd attraction that has both natural history and religious history combined. After a long eventful day, we got the hotel in Nefta, after dinner, we were treated to traditional music and the group had a great time listening and dancing! Day 3 An early start with Toyota 4x4 land Cruisers! We drove into the desert over some sand dunes. This was really pure desert, only rocks and sand! We then came up on the Star Wars set used for Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. After running around the sets like an idiot, we needed to continue and we drove through a 4x4 track that had us go up and over dunes and rock, up the side of hills almost sideways. It was so much fun!!! This was on the way to Ong Jemel, which means neck of the camel and if you see the hill, it’s easy to see why they call it that. We climbed to the top and took in the 360 views all around, truly amazing and dangerous as it was extremely windy and I almost flew off a few times. We experienced a small sand storm on our way back out of the desert, the visibility was very limited. We got back onto paved road and then drove to Chebika, and oasis on a mountain side that has a waterfall. We did a short hike over the hills and then to the waterfall. We then went to Tamerza, another oasis and waterfall. It is amazing to see these waterfalls in the middle of the desert. After that adventure, we made our way back to Tozeur, we had lunch and walk through the medina and old city and saw the unique architecture of the area. By this time, we were all tired and amazed we did so much in such a short time. We settled in for the long drive back. It was a great trip and glad I could share with you! ________________________________________________________ Follow me! - Facbook - https://www.facebook.com/yofootexplores - Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/c/yofootexplores - Instagram! - @yohanpartap - Tumblr - yofoot.tumblr.com ________________________________________________________ Music by: Serin Beats: Aggressive Underground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWOe2hJ3e6s Serin Beats - Fast Epic Rap Beat https://soundcloud.com/serinbeats/sands-of-time-arabic-hip-hop-rap-beat About Serin Beats: https://soundcloud.com/serinbeats https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2gkLSVugYMo53W7kicB-BA Jarico – Taj Mahal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEKiz-Ihh6E About Jarico: jaricojaricovich@gmail.com vk.com/jaricomusic jaricomusic | facebook https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hwz1M-bL8DFUqS1SdA7vw?view_as=subscriber https://www.instagram.com/jaricomusiccc/ Raal – Dimah https://youtu.be/qbudu-G1JZY https://soundcloud.com/raalmusic Star Wars Main theme used as a tribute and all rights is fully owned my Walt Disney. Please visit his media and support the artist!