The things he says are hilarious! LOL | *subtitled*

Gotcha the Moluccan Cockatoo. Letty the African Grey. Follow Gotcha and family on Instagram!: Short, Sweet, and Simple. It's not a matter of IF a parrot will bite you, it's a matter of WHEN... I am aware that in some rare cases owners have never been bit by their parrot 😉. But the majority are so this is for those that do 💙. 💛Please keep in mind that I'm not a professional nor do I claim to be an expert in all things Bird related lol. This is just what I have experienced and what has worked extremely well with both of my adopted birds. Remember to REWARD good behavior! ✨✨✨I also want to add that pushing into the bite may not be the best option, if you have a small bird or if you have an extremely aggressive bird that doesn't snap out of attack mode and won't let go of you. Again, try not to react! That is exactly what they want/expect! But instead you may want to give them a tap on their beak instead of pushing into the bite.(not a violent tap but enough just to snap their brain out of attack mode) This will get their attention and then you can tell them NO, give them a glare, and then proceed with the steps that follow. You can also use a stick or a perch to use to put the bird in the cage after they bite instead of a towel. Both my birds hate sticks and will not step up onto one and are more comfortable with a towel. Remember to have patience! Most times a parrot will bite as a last resort, so try to learn and understand what your parrot is trying to tell you before they resort to biting. ***I would like to add also that I am now aware that birds in the wild do not have an alpha! Silly me for not researching further into this! I apologize... it is studied that the highest bird is the most dominant one. We do not need to be dominant over our birds however, training can be easily accomplished if we reward the good behavior and discourage the bad.*** 💢Learn their body language!💢 Though there are occasional times (as I've experienced) that they will suddenly bite for seemingly no reason at all. Adopting birds isn't all cupcakes and sparkles! lol it takes work! A lot of love! And A LOT of patience ❤️. You can do it!! ☺️💜💚💗💙 Thanks for watching! 💙 ❗️❗️❗️85% of parrots are either resold, given away, or abandoned within just 2 short years of being purchased. ADOPT DONT SHOP! I cannot stress enough how heartbreaking this sad truth is.... Too many people impulse buy parrots because of cute or funny traits they've seen in other birds. No two parrots are alike... A life stuck in a cage is cruel and so unfair to these magnificent beautiful creatures. They deserve the absolute best! So if you are interested in a parrot, adopt one because you have the time and energy and if you want to save them from a life stuck behind bars, not solely because they are cute or funny etc. parrots are a LIFETIME commitment. They can live up to 80+ years!! I've given up many many things to give my two parrots the best life they can possibly have! (Night out, gone on weekends, vacation time, a clean quiet house, extra money.. Etc.) But it's all worth it, my parrots are my family and I love them like my children! Please DO YOUR RESEARCH before adopting. After all, we have our friends, our jobs, and our hobbies... They only have us💗❗️❗️