Lion saves a baby calf from another lion attack

An incredible sighting of the Torchwood male leopard subduing a warthog next to our vehicle! Male leopards seem to prefer preying on warthogs and can often be spotted near a warthog burrow. In this case we spotted the Torchwood male leopard sitting on top of a termitarium well known for warthog activity, as we approached the spot a family of warthog burst from cover before the cameras were even ready! Torchwood male leopard is very experienced when it comes to catching warthogs and you can see how he subdues the warthog by severing the brachial artery in the axial area of the front leg staying away from the dangerous warthog tusks. The sighting is graphic at this point as the leopard ends the screaming warthog. The warthog did not take long to expire leaving the leopard time to clean up from the safe vantage point of the termitarium. The squealing of the warthog could have attracted the attention of other predators so moving to a good vantage point was a wise safety move on the leopards part. Later we returned to find the leopard having a drink at a nearby waterhole, watched by giraffe and hippo. After quenching his thirst the leopard retrned to his warthog meal and started to feed. The leopard seemed reluctant to move the warthog to the safety of a tree and eventually later at nighttime a hyena stole the warthog from the leopard and ran off with it. Filmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa Filmed in 4K UHD resolution using the Sony AX100 video camera Subscribe for more great wildlife clips: #Wildlife #Safari #Africa ROB THE RANGER WILDLIFE VIDEOS on Social Networks: TWITTER: BLOG: FACEBOOK: GOOGLE+: TUMBLR: #YouTubeSSA #SAYouTubers #YouTubeZA Follow #nowfilming on social networks for LIVE photo updates Please consider buying a T-shirt or hoodie to support the channel: Official Merchandise Store: Book A Safari at or email Wild Extracts Safaris