HHO Swiss Inox 3d Seven Cores Cell and GOOD production

This 3d cell took 25h of work. The outer (positive) tubes are 2mm thick and 42.4 mm diameter 316L stainless steel then there are 3 inner nutral tubes and the last smallest tube is 17 mm in diameter and is the negative pole and takes the electricity from the bottom up while the positive enters at the top down. I did mark the tubes with an arrow while cutting them and then assembled them with all the arrows looking upward. For lack of time I did not do any cleaning yet, I had no proper connections and I used a well water with high conductivity values and one tea spoon of backing soda for 1 gallon of water. Next thing I will do is to build a container and perfect connections and test the unit with some acceptable electrical equipment and usable indications about production and electricity consumpion