Santa's Workshop (1932 / 2006)

A Merry Christmas to All, especially to MaryAnne, our Ysabella! Ysabella - stay BRAVE.. Santa's Workshop Produced By Walt Disney Animated By Jack Kinney and Fred Moore. Originally Released on December 10, 1932. Remastered 2006 with new colours Uncensored version HIDDEN MICKEY: A Mickey Mouse doll can be seen peeking out of the bag of toys as Santa Claus is saying goodbye. Santa Claus: [Reading letter] "Dear Santy Claus, I'm Billy Brown Here's a list I've jotted down: I want a giraffe and a duck and a whale A cow and a pig with a seven-foot tail A tiger that roars and a leopard with spots A barrel of monkeys, a pony who trots I want a baboon, a dog that'll bark A walrus, a herring, a hog and a shark." Ha! I'll give him Noah's Ark. Elf: But Billy Brown, for seven years, hasn't washed behind his ears. Santa Claus: Well, ha-ha, there's still some hope. I'll just add a cake of soap.