隨心滿願 《吉天頌恭心咒 》ཞེས་བཨོཧད།མཚན་སྡགས་ནི། HD

(一般來說,義工是法會結束輕鬆。但對於熟悉我們影音義工來說,這已連續20天忙到深夜的“法會”!創作靈感天天都是這首心咒所給予,筆墨難以形容.....持誦聆聽真的是大加持ㄛ!) 🌟ཞེས་བཨོཧད།མཚན་སྡགས་ནི། 嗡 啊 拿摩咕如 班雜 地嘎 遮洛恰 那他 瑞那啥利 木拉 咕嚕 瑪哈 木匝 悉地 帕拉吽 🌟在直貢噶舉傳承中,有兩個必須要特別強調的重點。第一個重點是「皈依」。一般而言,當我們修慈悲心時,我們憶念一切如母眾生,但是當説到要對敵人慈悲時,我們就會猶豫。我們鮮少對不喜歡的人修慈悲心,但是直貢噶舉的祖師吉天頌恭而言,在修慈悲心時,需將敵人擺在第一位。 其次,吉天頌恭的「迴向文」意義也非常深遠。「我與一切輪涅眾,三世中所累積」這一句是所有傳承共通的,但「以及所有之善根」這一句則是特別不同的,而且這句非常重要。「以及所有之善根」是指一切眾生平等皆具的佛性。 除了自心之外無其他的佛。佛陀自己曾説:「佛性遍滿一切眾生。」沒有其他人比吉天頌恭能夠更清楚表達這一點。確實,甚至中觀等等都經常駁斥這一點。如果眾生不具有佛性,則絶不可能證得佛果。但是由於他們具有佛性,所以可以全部證得佛果。這是佛陀已經了悟的。具有心識即指具有成佛的因。從來不曾消減的有善之根本(善根),都安住於一切眾生的心中,這即是他們的佛性。吉天頌恭在「一意」當中也教導這一點。 這兩個重點特在直貢噶舉的教法中闡釋得非常清晰,吉祥如意! ---噶千仁波切 H.E.Garchen Rinpoche (文取自:台灣噶千佛學會) Garchen Rinpoche's message about Jigten Sumgon's prayer. Garchen Rinpoche also asked that we post this statement: "There are two important points highlighted in the Drikung Kagyü lineage that are not explained in such depth in any of the other major lineages. The first important point is about taking refuge. Normally, when we cultivate compassion we bring to mind ‘all mother sentient beings’, but we hesitate when it comes to being compassionate towards our enemies; very rarely do we develop compassion for people we dislike. However, for Jigten Sumgön in the Drikung Kagyü lineage, enemies are first in place when we develop compassion. "Secondly, Jigten Sumgön’s dedication is also very significant. 'By the virtue accumulated in the three times by myself and all beings,…' This line is common to all lineage but what is different here is this: '…and by the intrinsic root of virtue.' This is extremely important. ‘Intrinsic virtue’ refers to the Buddha-nature that all sentient beings equally possess. There is no other Buddha separate from one’s own mind. The Buddha himself had said: 'Buddha-nature pervades all beings.' No one is able to express this so clearly as [Jigten Sumgön did with the term ‘intrinsic virtue’]. Indeed, it is even often refuted by the Madhyamaka, and so forth. If sentient beings would not possess Buddha-nature they could never attain enlightenment. But it is because they possess Buddha-nature that they can all attain enlightenment. This is what the Buddha had realized. Having a mind means having the cause of enlightenment. The intrinsic virtue that never declines abides within the minds of all beings; it is their Buddha-nature. Jigten Sumgön taught this in the Gongchig. "These two points are made so clear only in the teachings of the Drikung Kagyü. Tashi Delek!”(Article Source from:garchen.tw) 隨喜感恩樂曲創作者,錄製珍貴法音! www.sanchi.tv 攝制 感恩合十 (侷部攝影,感恩Singapore _Lobsang Garden 熱情發心贊助分享)