Yoshi in Sonic 2 - Boss Run (No Damage - Where Possible!)

Hey, Boss Run time! Details on each boss are in description below, and no I won't be giving this rom out as I was asked not to. I go into each battle with a full stock of eggs where possible, otherwise these would take eons to defeat, and the whole point is to embarrass Eggman, so.. here we go! Have some boss notes. Emerald Hill Boss: Surprisingly, Yoshi finds Drill Eggman a tricky git to deal with - not hard, just tricky - the timing on the butt-stomp landing atop the Egg Mobile is pretty tight, and may take some practice before you get it down. Chemical Plant Boss: See above's tricky tight timing? This is like, triple the difficulty to pull off, but thankfully with a full stock of eggs, you only have to butt-stomp once. Still, this does make Chemical Plant's boss one of the hardest for Yoshi to do no damage. Aquatic Ruin Boss: Luck is the largest decider in this battle - Yoshi is far too slow to reliably dodge the arrows, so unless you've got a really good eye, you're probably getting stuck with an arrow or two. With luck on your side though, this boss is piss, and the timing for the single butt stomp required is pretty easy. Casino Night Boss: I think the attempts make this look easier than it is. The timing on the butt stomp is awkward, and it is judging where Yoshi should be in the air in order to hit Eggman that is the hard part. Hitting him with the butt stomp is hard enough that I recommend getting the hits in before pelting him with eggs. Hill Top Boss: Due to the unfinished nature of the hack - damage is required to defeat this guy. Try as I might, I cannot find a way to defeat this boss without Yoshi going into the lava. To that end - had this thing also spawned enemies, this boss would be pure cake. And it still is, it's just you're going into the lava trying to get that cake. Mystic Cave Boss: This boss is hard now. You need to hit Eggman in certain animations or Yoshi is getting impaled, and yes, the timing to get in and out is also fairly tight. I think this thing, like Catcher Eggman, is much harder than the failure rate makes it look. Oil Ocean Boss: 100% of the difficulty in this fight is trying to hit Eggman 4 times per pass rather than 3. If you're willing to let Eggman pull off multiple attacks, there is NO issue with this boss. How-ever, 2-pass is incredibly tight timing, and is by far the toughest to get right in the game. Metropolis Boss: It is around this point in the run I realised - "Hey, I can take enemies into the boss fights!" - so I did. Hitting this thing is easy. Defeating it, less so. For once, the Egg-Clones are actually a threat! You can't eat these things, and can only reliably take these things down whilst they are descending. Wing Fortress Boss: I have no idea if this boss is hard or not, but every fight against this thing is a mad panic trying to deal with the minions it creates. Silver Sonic: I maintain that the timing required to kill Silver Sonic so quickly is hard. It's just I had so much practice with the previous video that it had become second nature to me. Death Egg Robot: Main cause of losses: I forgot where to stand. That was it. This thing, as Yoshi, is easier than Silver Sonic, somehow. But just barely, the timing to get in every hit possible is pretty tricky, but an average battle against Death Egg Robot shouldn't be too hard provided you attack from behind. And there we go! Another boss run down. This one was fun, Hill Top Zone aside. I'd love to see what this hack would've been like if it had been finished, but that looks incredibly unlikely, unfortunately. Still it's in the public consciousness now, hopefully the joy people are getting from videos of it might inspire the author to finish it.