20130626 锵锵三人行 刘纪鹏:银行系统出现钱荒Money Shortage导致股市Stock market暴跌

在银行"钱荒"消息蔓延的影响下,两市开盘后急速跳水,沪指最低下探至1958.4点,逼近1949点"解放底"。截至收盘,沪指报收1963.24点,跌幅达5.3%。这也是自去年12月5日以来沪指重回"1"时代,同时也创下自2009年8月31日以来的近四年最大单日跌幅。深成指也创下今年来调整新低,昨报7588.52点,跌幅6.73%。创业板昨日跌破"千点",报收971.45点,大跌5.27%。In the bank "money shortage" spread the message under the influence of rapid diving after opening the two cities, the main stock index dropping to the lowest 1958.4 points, close to 1,949 points "liberate the bottom." At the close, the stock index closed at 1963.24 points, down 5.3%. This is since last December 5 to return to the main stock index since "1" era, but also the highest since August 31, 2009 nearly four years since the largest single-day decline. The Shenzhen Component Index also hit a new low this year to adjust yesterday at 7588.52 points, down 6.73 percent. GEM yesterday fell below the "thousand points" to close 971.45 points, fell 5.27 percent.