
Chinese and English lyrics. Click "cc" for English and Chinese subtitles. 月圓花好 - 周璇 (Traditional Chinese) 曲 : 嚴華 / 詞 : 范煙橋 浮雲散 明月照人來 團圓美滿今朝最 清淺池塘 鴛鴦戲水 紅裳翠蓋 並蒂蓮開 雙雙對對 恩恩愛愛 這軟風兒向著 好花吹 柔情蜜意滿人間 月圆花好 - 周璇 (Simplified Chinese) 曲:严华 / 词:范烟桥 浮云散 明月照人来 团圆美满今朝最 清浅池塘 鸳鸯戏水 红裳翠盖 并蒂莲开 双双对对 恩恩爱爱 这软风儿向着 好花吹 柔情蜜意满人间 Blooming Flowers Full Moon - (Yue Yuan Hua Hao) - Zhou Xuan Song: Yan Hua / Word: Fan Yanqiao The floating scattered clouds The bright moon shines on the arriving people Today is the most happy reunion Clean and shallow ponds Mandarin ducks playing in the water Red skirts and emerald caps Devoted married couples like double lotus flowers opening In pairs, En en ai ai, a mutual love between spouses This little soft wind blows toward the beautiful flowers Blowing on the good flowers Full of warmth and affection between the people