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25首最動聽的歌「別把疼你的人弄丟了, 畢竟深愛過 & 我是真的愛過你- Best Love Songs https://youtu.be/5ec0qigNIrE facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Top-100-KKBO... -------------------------------- Thanks for watching this video and don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE my channel if you enjoy it. 感谢观看这个视频,不要忘记喜欢,订阅我的频道,如果你喜欢它。 -------------------------------------------- *--* If my MV infringes your copyrights, please kindly pm me and I'll immediately delete it. I beg you not to file any complaints directly to Youtube since it would cause my channel to be closed. Thank you for your kind understanding and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. 如若我的視頻有任何侵犯版權的地方,請留言告知,我會第一時間刪除。懇請您不要向 Youtube 投訴,免致頻道被關閉,並對我無意中侵犯版權的行為謹此致萬分歉意,謝謝合作.