Los amores contrapuestos - Cortometraje lésbico (Not Under My Roof - Lesbian Short Film)

Hi guys ! Welcome to our lesbian marriage life. So we always like to be transparent with our relationship and talk about our life together with honesty Since we met communication has been an issue for us because of the language barrier but there are also other factors we see working in which you will hear about more in detail in this video ! One being Nina’s issue with communication which has always been apart of her personality. We would love to hear from you in our comments if you have had similar issues and how you managed to resolve them ?! Thank you for watching 💜💚💚💛❤️💗 WE LOVE YOU !! 💖Subscribe to Angelis & Nina: http://bit.ly/SubAandN 💖Give us some love: Angelis and Nina Instagram: http://bit.ly/AandNIG Angelis’ Instagram: http://bit.ly/IGAngelis Nina’s Instagram: http://bit.ly/IGNina Angelis’ Twitter: http://bit.ly/TweetAngelis