History of the Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death | Past Mortem [SSFF]

It's worse than prom night. You've seen the game and read the headlines, now let us show you how Mighty No. 9 went from being one of the most profitable Kickstarted video games in history to being one of the biggest disappointments. It's even worse than you thought. Narrated by Derek Alexander Written by Grace Kramer & Derek Alexander Edited by Derek Alexander More SSFF Documentaries • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Inafune Explained: https://youtu.be/ZUWJQgQ8ysk • Konami vs Kojima Explained: https://youtu.be/L8pSoKfjsgw • The Rise of Dark Souls: https://youtu.be/2j9ZPAyfPYQ • Re:Certified Classic: Resident Evil: https://youtu.be/gP98OpAaRbk SSFF Live Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_UaG0KGPmR1kAltoM7vjw More SSFF • Super Rad Raygun: https://youtu.be/3kQqDXD6rkg • Rule of Rose: https://youtu.be/Tyb4cjcGI9c • Clock Tower 3: https://youtu.be/gz0coRpSLik This is a Patreon supported show! http://bit.ly/SSFFpatreon Artwork and Bumper by the always incredible Clockwork Pixel, http://bit.ly/ClockworkPixel Wow Social Media, Wow wow!! • Instagram: http://bit.ly/SSFFinstagram (@stopskeletons) • Twitter: http://bit.ly/SSFFtwitter (@stopskeletons) • Facebook: http://bit.ly/SSFFfacebook • Twitch: https://bit.ly/SSFFtwitch HVGN DVD's available at Fangamer.net: http://bit.ly/HVGNdvds Learn more about the HVGN DVDs here: http://bit.ly/Yu95iY