
《锵锵三人行》是凤凰卫视出品的谈话类节目,由主持人窦文涛与两岸三地传媒界之精英名嘴,一起针对每日热门新闻事件进行研究,并各抒己见,但却又不属于追求问题答案的正论,而是俗人闲话,一派多少天下事,尽付笑谈中的豪情,达至融汇信息传播,制造乐趣与辨析事理三大元素于一身的目的。"Qiang Qiang" is a Phoenix talk radio produced by the host Dou Wentao and the three areas of the media elite talking heads, along with a daily hot news events for conducting research and express their views, but they do not belong to the pursuit of the problem on a positive answer, but the laity gossip with one of the world many things to do to pay jokes pride, amounting to integrate information and communication, manufacturing, fun and Discrimination affair three elements in a purpose.