[Eng-subbed] How to make White Sugar Sponge (白糖糕)

材料及份量: A.粘米粉(rice flour)150g、水( water)150g,拌匀 B.砂糖(sugar)80g、水( water)150g,混合以慢火煮至糖溶 C.即用酵母(instant yeast)3g、暧水(warm water)30g,混合後備用 將B加入A中拌至沒粉粒,加入C拌匀蓋上保鮮紙發酵約2小時後(正常粉糊表面會有泡沬),倒入已掃油之碟中,大火蒸20-25分鐘。 PS:2小時發酵温度30°c-38°c最為理想,若温度低發酵時間相對增長1-2小時。 Instructions: A. Mix Instant yeast 3g and Warm water 30g together. B. You will need Rice flour 150g and Water 150g, mix well. C. Pour Sugar 80g into Water 150g, add the sugar and boil slowly. After the sugar and water has boiled you can add it into mixture B (let the mixture cool down because there is boiled water, it will stop the yeast from working) after it has cooled add mixture A and cover the bowl in cling film then let it ferment for 2 hours. Lightly spread some oil on the tin you will be using and sieve the mixture in the tin, steam the mixture for 20-25 minutes.