吳恩文的快樂廚房 - 一鍋滷肉搞定百變料理

【楊桃美食網】滷出色澤油亮的控肉Braising a beautifully colored and lustrous pork belly 材料:五花肉、蔥段、薑片、滷包、紅蔥頭、兩份糖、醬油 Ingredients: pork belly, scallions, ginger slices, seasoning pouch for braising, shallots, two portions of sugar, and soy sauce 1.五花肉不可先切塊,這樣滷出來才不會變形,先準備一鍋滾水把整塊帶皮的五花肉下鍋煮熟,大約要煮約40分鐘。 2.準備滷汁,準備鍋子開火加入沙拉油,再放入紅蔥頭、蔥段、薑片爆香,炒拌爆香看起來呈現金黃色,這樣會比較香,這樣就可以盛起至滷鍋中。 3.把糖加入剛爆香的鍋中,開大火拌炒,糖會開始融化,融化後開小火,持續拌炒注意此時煙會很大,炒到糖變成咖啡色且起泡就可關火。 馬上加入你滷汁的水量,攪拌一下後開火,讓糖溶化在水中,這時水的色澤就會偏黃紅色,這樣就可倒入滷鍋中。 4.之後加入醬油、糖、滷包,而醬油主要是來調滷汁的顏色,而糖因為剛剛炒的糖並不會有甜味甚至可能會有苦味,所以須再加入糖來增加甜度。 5.五花肉煮熟後把肉泡冷水,再取出切塊切片,再放入滷鍋中煮,煮的時間約90分鐘,煮之後關火再泡20~30分鐘,這樣肉就會鬆弛,肥肉部位就會有入口即化的感覺,這樣就完成色澤油亮的魯肉。 1. The pork belly should not be cut up first so it will not deform after it is braised. First bring a pot of water to boil, then put in the whole pork belly with skin and cook for approximately 40 minutes. 2. Prepare the marinade. Pre-heat a wok and prep it with salad oil. Add shallots, scallions, ginger slices, saute it until fragrant and golden brown, so it becomes aromatic. Then you can remove it to the pot. 3. Add sugar to the saute pan, stir-fry over a high flame. When the sugar begins to melt, reduce to low heat. Continuing to stir, take note that there will be a lot of smoke at this time. Stir-fry until the sugar turns a coffee colour and starts to bubble, then turn off the fire. Immediately pour in the water for the marinade, stir it a little then turn on the fire, and let the sugar dissolve in the water. When the water becomes yellowish red in color, you may pour it into the braising pot. 4. Afterwards add soy sauce, sugar, the brine bag. The soy sauce is primarily used to adjust the color and the fried sugar is will not be sweet and may have a bitter taste so it is necessary to add sugar to increase the sweetness. 5. Soak the cooked pork belly in cold water, then remove and cut into slices, then put it into the boiling braising pot and cook for about 90 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it soak for 20 to 30 minutes, this will tenderize the meat and the fatty meat will have the sensation of melting in your mouth, this completes the lustrous and beautifully colored braised meat. 【Facebook Ytower Fan Page】 https://www.facebook.com/ytower01/ 【YTower Food Network - 3 minute cooking lesson】 https://goo.gl/XDRl12