How To Grow Garlic At Home-Fast N Easy

I decided to harvest all this years Large Exhibition Show Onions tonight as there were 3 days of red hot weather forecast....WOW !!! and as I was going to lift them at the weekend I couldn't risk a final growth spurt and splitting. These are the variety Kelsae and I've grown them for years in the allotment polytunnel but this time I sowed them in early december to try to get a larger bulb. Given this years weather I'm pleased with the size of almost 5 pounds but if we had a decent Summer they would have been larger. Now I strip the onion skins back to the last complete skin and leave them to dry for 3-4 weeks until the first shows when hopefuly they'll be a nice brown colour. Hopefully they'll dry out well and I can do well in the vegetable shows.