看见 [静观英伦]专访戴安娜王妃胞弟 斯宾塞伯爵(20120731)

更多精彩内容请订阅关注:http://www.youtube.com/user/kanjiancntv 《看见》本期节目主要内容:作为看见官方频道,2010年12月6日起,中央电视台一套综合频道推出全新午间专题栏目《看见》。作为一档记录现实题材的专题节目,《看见》观察变化中的时代生活,用影像记录事件中的人,努力刻画这个飞速转型的时代中,人的冷暖、感知、思想与渴望,期待和观众一起,了解陌生,认识彼此;端详相似,审视自我。敬请关注本期节目内容。 More exciting content, please subscribe concern: http://www.youtube.com/user/kanjiancntv "See" the main content of this program: As seen official channels, 6 December 2010, the China Central Television launched a new set of integrated channels midday Topics "see." As a file record realistic theme episodes, "see" the changes observed in the era of life, with images of people recording the event, and strive to portray this era of rapid transformation, human well-being, perception, thought and desire, anticipation and the audience together, to understand unfamiliar to know each other; looked similar to look at themselves. Please pay attention to the current program content.