ZAINAB BINT KHUZAIMAH | OMAR SULEIMAN | MOTHER OF BELIEVERS Sheikh Omar Suleiman discusses the lives of two “Mothers of the Believers” ennobled to be chosen among those betrothed to the Prophet (S), Hafsa bint Omar and Zainab bint Khuzaimah. Please support our channel by subscribing and you will obtain latest updates from BAYYINAH INSTITUTE. The videos uploaded here are to share Islamic knowledge. If you want to apply for any copyrights please message me first and I will remove those videos. I humbly request anyone submitting a copyright claim to please message me first before contacting youtube. If there is understanding and brotherhood we can sort things out in a civil manner, instead of making it legal. JazakAllah Khair for your understanding. May Allah purify my intentions, make it solely for his sake and forgive my short-comings. Ameen! Reminders to myself first. Surahs in the Holy Quran Al-Fatihah (The Opening) Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Al-'Imran (The Family of Amran) An-Nisa' (The Women) Al-Ma'idah (The Food) Al-An'am (The Cattle) Al-A'raf (The Elevated Places) Al-Anfal (Voluntary Gifts) Al-Bara'at / At-Taubah(The Immunity) Yunus (Jonah) Hud (Hud) Yusuf (Joseph) Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) Ibrahim (Abraham) Al-Hijr (The Rock) An-Nahl (The Bee) Bani Isra'il (The Israelites) Al-Kahf (The Cave) Maryam (Mary) Ta Ha (Ta Ha) Al-Anbiya' (The Prophets) Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Al-Mu'minun (The Believers) An-Nur (The Light) Al-Furqan (The Discrimination) Ash-Shu'ara' (The Poets) An-Naml (The Naml) Al-Qasas (The Narrative) Al-'Ankabut (The Spider) Ar-Rum (The Romans) Luqman (Luqman) As-Sajdah (The Adoration) Al-Ahzab (The Allies) Al-Saba' (The Saba') Al-Fatir (The Originator) Ya Sin (Ya Sin) As-Saffat (Those Ranging in Ranks) Sad (Sad) Az-Zumar (The Companies) Al-Mu'min (The Believer) Ha Mim (Ha Mim) Ash-Shura (Counsel) Az-Zukhruf (Gold) Ad-Dukhan (The Drought) Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling) Al-Ahqaf (The Sandhills) Muhammad (Muhammad) Al-Fath (The Victory) Al-Hujurat (The Apartments) Qaf (Qaf) Ad-Dhariyat (The Scatterers) At-Tur (The Mountain) An-Najm (The Star) Al-Qamar (The Moon) Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) Al-Hadid (Iron) Al-Mujadilah (The Pleading Woman) Al-Hashr (The Banishment) Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman who is Examined) As-Saff (The Ranks) Al-Jumu'ah (The Congregation) Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites) At-Taghabun (The Manifestation of Losses) At-Talaq (Divorce) At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) Al-Mulk (The Kingdom) Al-Qalam (The Pen) Al-Haqqah (The Sure Truth) Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) Nuh (Noah) Al-Jinn (The Jinn) Al-Muzzammil (The One Covering Himself) Al-Muddaththir (The One Wrapping Himself Up) Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) Al-Insan (The Man) Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth) An-Naba' (The Announcement) An-Nazi'at (Those Who Yearn) 'Abasa (He Frowned) At-Takwir (The Folding Up) Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) At-Tatfif (Default in Duty) Al-Inshiqaq (The Bursting Asunder) Al-Buruj (The Stars) At-Tariq (The Comer by Night) Al-A'la (The Most High) Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event) Al-Fajr (The Daybreak) Al-Balad (The City) Ash-Shams (The Sun) Al-Lail (The Night) Ad-Duha (The Brightness of the Day) Al-Inshirah (The Expansion) At-Tin (The Fig) Al-'Alaq (The Clot) Al-Qadr (The Majesty) Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) Al-Zilzal (The Shaking) Al-'Adiyat (The Assaulters) Al-Qari'ah (The Calamity) At-Takathur (The Abundance of Wealth) Al-'Asr (The Time) Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) Al-Fil (The Elephant) Al-Quraish (The Quraish) Al-Ma'un (Acts of Kindness) Al-Kauthar (The Abundance of Good) Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers) An-Nasr (The Help) Al-Lahab (The Flame) Al-Ikhlas (The Unity) Al-Falaq (The Dawn) An-Nas (The Men)