Prophet Muhammad in the Bible detailed

Thanks again Zakir for a clear presentation and for giving me some new things to think about. Here are some points I was not able to make in the debate: 1. The main point I did not answer was that in Exodus 6:3 God says he did not make himself known to Abraham as the LORD (Yahweh) but in Genesis we see Abraham using this name. This was put forward as evidence for the JEPD source theory of the Torah. The answer I thought of later (as you do) was that we see the name Yahweh (LORD) used not just with Abraham but by those after him too (Gen. 26:25, 28:13, 49:8). So how does Exodus 6:3 fit with this? Exodus actually tells us. While people may have used the name Yahweh none of them had the meaning of the name revealed to them like Moses did, see Exodus 3:15 and 33:18-34:7. This was the first time that God had proclaimed the meaning of Yahweh and what made Moses' revelation unique. 2. Regarding the idea that Genesis 21:14 says that Ishmael was a baby when he should have been about 16. This is not the case for two reasons: Firstly, when Ishmael is called a "child" it is the same word used of Joseph (37:30) when Jacob sent him on a journey to check on his brothers, so it does not mean baby. Secondly, Ishmael is not put on Hagar's shoulder as a child would be. The majority of translations do not do this. Certainly, the Hebrew can be read several ways and but there is no reason to doubt the common translations as they fit with the Hebrew and the context. You cannot build a case on such a contested reading. And so this is not evidence for JEPD either. In my research for 1&2 I noticed that some have tried the JEPD approach the the Qur'an too: R.D. Wilson, Princeton Theological Review 17, 1919, pp. 640-650. 3. Regarding the use of "Pharaoh" in the Biblical account of Joseph and whether it is anachronistic. In addition to what I said in the debate I should have added that in the Qur'anic version Joseph is sold for a few dirhams (12:20) and dirhams did not exist at this time. Is it possible for a prophet to speak of a past event and not have some anachronisms? 4. Regarding "Machamad(im)" in Song of Songs 5:16, the following references have the same word "machamad()" with the same vowels as the Song of Song 5:16: 2 Chron. 36:19, Isaiah 64:10, Lam. 1:10, 2:4, Hos. 9:16, Joel 3:5/4:5. 5. Matthew 21:7 does not not say that Jesus rode 2 donkeys at once. It says he sat on several cloaks at once. Mat 21:7 They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them. He sat on the cloaks. Please just read it. 6. Matthew 24 is not a false prophecy. In chap. 25 Jesus explains that it will be a long time. If you are interested look up all the references to the coming of the son of Man to get the whole picture.