William Branham challenged by 350 full gospel ministers

This Message by Brother William Marrion Branham called Life Story was delivered on Sunday afternoon, 19th April 1959 at the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A The original recording lasts 2 hours and 4 minutes. This video is a summary of this sermon. Full text and streaming audio of this message are available at www.en.Branham.ru Here is the direct link - http://www.branham.ru/message/message3f70.html?sermonum=561 But I--I think of this could never be great. No, I don't want to be. See? But I think of "The Psalm of Life." Lives of great men all remind us (See, what Paul did, what Irenaeus did, what Luther did, what Wesley did, or what Saint Martin did, and what they did...) And lives of great men all remind us That we can make our lives sublime, With partings, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time; Footprints, that perhaps another, While sailing over life's solemn main, (For after I'm gone. See? and gone on) Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother (pick up one of these books to read), In seeing, shall take heart again. (That's it.) Let us be up, then, and doing; With a heart for any... strife, (I like that, don't you?) Be not like dumb, driven cattle (have to be drove to it); But be a hero in the strife! (I--I like that.) WMB "The Ten Virgins And The 144,000" http://www.branham.ru/message/message6d0e.html?sermonum=702