ལྷོ་ཁའི་སྐོར་བྲོ། Sambhota Tibetan School Paonta ( Primary School)

Please "Like" us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/tibetan360 如果您喜歡本片,可以在臉書Like 我們,給我們鼓勵! This tutorial teaches entry level students how to draw tibetan alphabet. Every word stroke is animated and each word is dubbed with clear pronunciation. You can hear it, see it going, and practice on your own. 本片以筆畫動畫教初學同學如何寫藏文字母,配以清晰發音,同時看到,聽到,立刻就明白。 雜誌預覽 (magazine preview): http://www.tibetan360.com/preview.html 此處購買 (buy here): http://www.tibetan360.com For more detail please visit http://www.tibetan360.com 更多學習資訊請至藏語360官網。