Panasonic LX100 Review plus Tips and Tricks Volume 1

We're doing a comparison review putting up the super-heavy-weight Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 12mm f/1.4 H-X012 against a much-more-budget-friendly option - the Panasonic Lumix 14mm f/2.5 H-H014 with the DMW-GWC1 wide conversion to bring it out to 11mm. We've got lots of sample shots with both as well as my take. The vlogs shot completely with these two lenses are: 12mm 1.4 - VLOG #129: Snowing - 14mm 2.5 with Wide Conversion- VLOG #131: 1,000 Subs - And why not throw in the proper model names for people searching for reviews of these.