Tina Turner - Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra)

This meditation video is for the Chohan known as Serapis Bey, who is Lord of the Fourth Ray, the White Ray of the Holy Spirit. Serapis Bey works with the Ascension Flame, and assists every one who makes their Ascension with one or more of their Initiations, as well as assisting in the actual Ascension, with the Flame itself. He is a Master of Purity, Order, Harmony, as well as Discipline. He works in the Temple of the Ascension in Luxor Egypt, and has done so for many thousands of years, since assisting to take the Ascension Flame there after the fall of Atlantis. The image has a pyramid on the right side with the Ascension Light coming down, where it joins with the Light below in raising the individual permanently into their God Estate. On the left is another pyramid, this one made of a white marble, with light blue veins running through it. This altar sits in the Ascension Temple, with an Egyptian style vase or urn on top, which holds the Ascension Flame, which you also see on the top of the pyramid. The music for the Keynote is found in the romanza Celeste Aida, which is performed during the first act of the opera Aida. With the true opera it is a lyrical aria, but here I wanted to find a beautiful instrumental version of the video. I hope you enjoy it. With Love