Cool Kiz on the Block | 우리동네 예체능 – Cool Kiz vs. the Global Team (2015.08.11)

Kicking off this series with Jackson, because why not? This video could have gone on forever, but I wanted all the members to have similar video durations so this one is limited to only 10 mins. If you have a moment that you think should've been included, I have a lot of left over clips that I want to use for another video with just Jackson's funny moments. So you'll probably see it there 😉. I might upload it for his birthday or something. We'll see. Also the new MV comes out so soon and so does the album. Remember to keep streaming the Never Ever MV. We've set our goal to 5M views in a day so let's hard carry. Also don't worry about having the highest resolution or volume being over 50%, that stuff doesn't matter, I don't know where that info came from. Just make sure you watch the video to the end, and refresh your browser like every ten plays or so. I think the best way to get the views up on a browser would be to go incognito on multiple windows and have a playlist going on there. You can have it on mute. If you're on mobile, you might find it easier to just make a playlist with the new MV and add another video that's really short, so then it goes back to playing the new MV. I'll try and make a playlist and link it here, once the MV is posted. Let's up our streaming game, and continue to make this GOT7's best year yet.