’அந்தர்ஜனம்’ பார்ப்பனர்களின் பெண்கள் மீதான வன்முறை வடிவம்

தியானம் கற்று கொள்ள விரும்புவர்க்கு தொடக்கம் முதல் நிலை இந்தியா ரூ. 1000 வெளிநாடு US$ 50 Appa's bank details: Bank : AXIS BANK LTD Branch : Gugai Name : Mr. P. MADHAVA GOPAL Account no. : 911010029587205 IFSC : UTIB0001109 Swift Code : AXISINBB170 ஆதி வேத ரிஷிகள் அருளாசியுடன் குரு சிஷ்ய முறைப்படி (1-2-1) தியானம் கற்று கொள்ள பணத்தை வங்கி கணக்கில் செலுத்தி விட்டு +91 98427 07112 இந்த தொலைபேசி எண்ணில் தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் நன்றி... Want to learn meditation First level India Rs. 1000 Abroad US $ 50 Bank: AXIS BANK LTD Name: Mr. P. MADHAVA GOPAL Account no. : 911010029587205 IFSC: UTIB0001109 Adi Vedic Rishis with grace Guru Shishti Pattern (1-2-1) Learn meditation Pay the money to the bank account AND +91 98427 07112 contact this phone number ... Thank you Dear Vedhan Family, After contemplating for a long time and a lot of discussions it has been decided that an amount of Rs.1000 for people in India & US$ 50 for people abroad would be cost for being initiated into meditation. Appa will divide the teachings into a number of levels as advised by Gurumargal & Vedhangal and appropriate reasonable amounts will be charged, which are yet to be finalised. If a seeker is really poor and unable to afford payment Appa will consider initiating the person without any cost. The qualifications for being initiated into these levels will solely be decided on merit of their growth through meditation by Appa and not on their ability to pay the cost. Kindly understand Appa has spent over 45 years of his life meditating and realising the truths and imparting all of this knowledge to us not holding back anything. Appa has a lot of financial responsibilities to be completed for his children and grandchildren which he has neglected due to his passion for meditation and experiencing the truth. Hope all of you understand this in the right essence and agree with this suggestion. Thank you for your kind understanding. Please get initiated first to understand the greatness and value of what is being offered. Do you know the amount of energy that Appa needs to spend in order to initiate people all around the world sitting right here in India. Imagine the amount of strain people would have had to go through if they had to go through to learn meditation with Appa. Please understand you are in a group of sincere seekers you you are expected to post in accordance with proper understanding. Thank you. Initiation of a meditator in person is a lot different than being initiated on the phone. Appa has to spend more then 10 times the energy for initiating for people on the phone. Please get initiated into.meditation with Appa and meditate and evolve along with us. If you want to be just an onlooker there is no point being point of this group. Thank you.