Thai Yoga Massage with Krishnataki - Sunshine House Greece

Front lying position Step 1 Checking the length of the legs. Bend the legs in the knee joint, flex the feet and determine the difference in the length of the legs. Step 2 Checking the length of the legs. Unbend legs in the knee joint, the heels together, the toes apart. Determine the difference in the length of the legs. Step 3 Checking the spine condition. Determination of any anomalous flexures, curvatures, rotations, displacements in the spine. Step 4 Warming up the back. Cat's step from the buttocks to the shoulders. Step 5 Pick up the pelvis, light rocking movements. Pick up the shoulder, light rocking movements. Step 6 Make wave movements through the entire body from the back to the feet. Step 7 Neck manipulation. The starting position is 45 degrees in the side above the head. Push partner's head to the side by 45 degrees. One hand is on the auricle, the second hand on the scapula. A light short push with both hands in opposite directions. Step 8 Make the palms like the letter "A". The palms are on each side of the spine. Light short push movements from the shoulders to the loins. Step 9 Pull hand above the head. Press to the upper part of the latissimus muscle. Then, press to the pectoral muscles. Wait until the latissimus and pectoral muscles relax well. Step 10 Take the partner's wrist and make the slash movement upward. Step 11 Sit on the side of the partner. Pick up the skin crease on the partner's back and pull up. Repeat 5 reps with each lumbar vertebra. Step 12 Bend the leg in the knee joint. Put your palm under your partner's thigh. Release his knee. Put another hand on the lower back. Fix the second leg by your foot. Make the long stretching movement in the diagonal up (use your hips). Step 13 Press on the hamstrings: on the outside, on the inside. Step 14 Bend the leg in the knee. Knock by the fist on the calcaneus. Step 15 Treading the partner's feet. Try to connect the center of your foot with the center of his foot. 10 - 20 treads. Step 16 Tapping to your partner's heels. Back lying position Step 17 Neck stretching from the seventh cervical vertebra to the skull line. Hands movement like pulling the rope. Step 18 Neck stretching. One hand is under the neck and pulls the head toward you. The other hand is on the shoulder and pushes the shoulder away from you. Hands move in the opposite directions. Then change hands. Step 19 Neck stretching by bending the neck forward and to sides-diagonal directions. Step 20 Connect the three fingers on each hand. The long finger is the main worker. The forefinger and the ring finger are supporting. Very slow slip from the seventh cervical vertebra to the skull line (you can use oil). The spine is between the fingers. Then the fingers stay on the skull point for 1 minute or more. Important: your partner's head does not touch the floor. You can ask your partner to lift his chest up in the case of a large stiffness in his neck. After 1-minute waiting your fingers very slowly slip to the sides, letting his head sink to the floor. Step 21 Head rotation in random directions. The goal of this step is to help your partner to relax the neck muscles and let go of control completely. Important: Your partner does not help you move his head and does not know the direction of movements. Step 22 Put a scarf under the neck (a towel, a yoga strap). Raise the neck by a scarf. Pull the body in the direction parallel to the floor. After the neck is stretched, make a slight pulling movement. Body moves a few centimeters. Step 23 Head rotation in random directions. The goal of this step is to help your partner to relax the neck muscles and let go of control completely. Important: Your partner does not help you move his head and does not know the direction of movements. Step 24 Neck manipulation. Push partner's head to the side by 45 degrees. You are 45 degrees in the side above the head. Push partner's head to the side by 45 degrees… (see continuation on FB: Advises for the Receiver: 1. Keep breathing deep and slow, focusing on exhalations. 2. If you get any pain, discomfort or any unusual feelings, let know about them to the Giver. For that you don’t have to say anything, it’s enough to tap on the floor. 3. You don’t need to help the Giver, all you must do from your part is to relax and be like a rag doll. Contraindications to bodywork for joints: • Acute surgical diseases and injuries • Bleeding and susceptibility to them • Any acute inflammation of blood and lymphatic vessels, thrombosis, pronounced varicose veins • Aneurysm aortic and heart • Diseases of an abdominal cavity with tendency to bleeding • Cancer • Osteoporosis, over 60 years old • Pregnancy • Skin and fungal diseases • You are afraid to touch and do not get pleasure from manipulation with your body For online training, contact me: FB: YouTube: E-mail: Line: sergeynandano