God in Disguise

Levitation is an Ancient art-form. Understandably if you defy physics there will be many skeptics. Please follow my other media: https://www.facebook.com/realspecialhead https://www.instagram.com/specialhead Please help this channel. Donate or tip!!! http://www.paypal.me/specialhead I have many haters who bluff me saying do it without the stick. Do it naked. I decided to call their bluff. Please help this channel. Donate or tip!!! http://www.paypal.me/specialhead https://www.patreon.com/Specialhead I have been practicing this for five years so I can rise to the occation. The links to the full length individual vides can be found here in the description: Tree Yoga Balance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8fx3wcvtc4&t=6s Fakir Levitation in Underwear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw3LB87KqrE&t=158s Tesla Coil Levitation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeFNg0Sz10I&t=284s Subway Levitation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xqQnHyxc3Y&t=56s Head held Levitation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Seaz5ZmvXyI&t=75s I created the term "yoga balance" because people kept getting on my case that the fakir is not a true levitation. I just called it levitation because it looks like I'm Levitating. It's a levitation performance people. I say just enjoy the entertainment. Obviously I'm doing it as a show. I want you to question reality so I'll let you figure out for yourself how these are done. Weather you boast conclusion is a test of humility. Tweet - @dannywolverton https://twitter.com/dannywolverton I invite you to follow me on facebook and twitter: http://www.facebook.com/realspecialhead https://twitter.com/dannywolverton http://www.specialhead.com http://www.facebook.com/wolvertondanny Special Head Levitation He is best known for his appearances on America’s Got Talent in 2013 /2014 and subsequent viral videos of his Levitation acts. His America's Got talent performances were viewed by more than 40 million people on YouTube alone! "The popularity amongst Children across America following my viral appearances really inspired me, That I've been given an opportunity to be a good roll model for kids. Thats a great reason to wake up in morning" -Wolverton "My artistic Vision is greatly influenced by my upbringing in the Native American Peyote Way Church and the Baha'i Faith. I realized that 1,000 years ago all art, performance, music, and dance was done through spiritual inspiration. The original performances were ritual and Ceremony. It wasn't until the Renaissance that making a living through art became more widespread. Through my performances I intend to bring us back to an age of mysticism. Reminding people that performance is a ritual and that magic can be spiritual. The Special Head show goes beyond a traditional magic show. Not only does Wolverton perform Music while simultaneously performing magic illusions, Wolverton also incorporates thought provoking theatrics into his many acts. Danny uses illusions to cause the viewer to question "what it means to be human." His show is flexible and can be adapted to entertain many different age groups. Wolverton first began his entertainment career street performing as a human statue. And Danny continues to use the chaotic stage that is the street in his internet TV series. In the "Special Head Show " Wolverton acts as a host to a travel show adventures, and hidden camera practical Jokes on the street in different places around America. Wolverton's performances have been featured in many well known shows including America's Got Talent, Beacher's Mad House MGM Las Vegas, The CD release parties's of Miley Cyrus, and Paris Hilton, Good Day New York, The documentary “Spark: A Burning Man Story" Tengo Talento Mucho Talento, Das Super Talent, and The Matthew Silver Show. Press: Levitation (Character Power), Physics (Field Of Study), Head, Magic, Magic (Quotation Subject), Card, Special, Revealed, Inside, David, Card Trick, Cards, Illusion, Special Head, Levitate, America's Got Talent, Levitating, Sand, Levitates, cane wtf, special head levitation, wtf, levitation, agt beg, character power, talent, special head levitates, head levitates with out cane, danny wolverton special head, specialhead special head, Magician, danny wolverton special, trick, twitter, com Special Head Floats Danny Wolverton Wolverton Special Head Special Head Special Head Special Head Special Head Special Head, America's Got Talent levitation, science, physics, education, math, special head, head, special, magic, Special Head, America's Got Talent, Magic (Quotation Subject), Card, Special, Revealed, Inside, David, Card Trick, Cards, Illusion, Levitate, Levitating, Sand, Levitates, cane wtf, special head levitation, wtf, agt, Levitation (Character Power), Physics (Field Of Study), Float, Tesla Coil, Monk, Yoga, Yogi, Yoga balance, prank, Subway, Train, Tree, Tree Levitation, Homeless, powers, Mind, Mentalism, art,