油泼面 / 裤带面 简单和面的技巧

今日大暑,太陽有毒。 我們的食慾即將與高溫打響一場持久戰。面對酷暑,陝西人有絕招,四十多度高溫里,吃喝玩樂、面不改色,拯救食慾的秘訣就是—三秦國民小吃涼皮! Today we usher in the solar term Great Heat, which brings the hottest days of a year. The scorching weather is going to start a continuing battle against our appetite. Faced with the high temperature, people in Shaanxi have a special food called Liangpi that is effective in relieving heat. Check today’s video for the popular and appetizing dish from Shaanxi!