Kyas Ryo & Feng E — Just Blues @ 2nd Pacific Rim Ukulele Festival (Taiwan) (Apr 07, 2018)

台灣男孩馮羿幼兒園時,被老師認定手部和腦部發展不協調,於是爸爸讓他去學4根弦的烏克麗麗。起初,馮羿10節課才學會音階,後來他開始接觸搖滾,沒想到越彈越好,登上《亞洲達人秀》,還成為五月天、蕭敬騰等明星爭相合作的音樂人。 Taiwanese boy Feng Yi was diagnosed by his teacher with uncoordinated hand and brain development in kindergarten. So his father made him study ukulele with four strings. Feng Yi struggled at the beginning. It took him ten sessions to learn scales. Later he got interested in rock music, and started to play unexpectedly well. He went on "Asia's Got Talent", and received invitations from stars including Mayday and Xiao Jingteng.