Tình khúc Bolero vượt thời gian - Bolero Nhạc Vàng chết lặng triệu con tim

Click on bottom link to watch in regular high quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVnoR3VJzkQ&fmt=18 This is from the first album out of the five in Timi's "蜕变" (Transformation) series released the first year Timi appeared in China. The title of this album is 少女的心情故事 (Story of a young girl's mood) and the date of release was on the October of 1996 when she just turned 15 years old. The first two albums in this series have been made into a popular special edition DVD in 1997 and is one that is most known by all Timi fans around the world. This song was originally sung 李碧華 (LI Bi Hua). Thanks for melodydamor for the information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrVHZHe7QE8 Translated by timizhuofan2 and edited by hkship3. Lyrics: 我的思念 是不可触摸的网 My longing is an unfathomable web. 我的思念 不再是决堤的海 My longing is no longer the ocean that has no bound. 为什么总在那些飘雨的日子 Why do those rainy days always 深深地把你想起 make me deeply reminisce about you? 我的心是六月的情 My heart is the sentiment of June, 沥沥下着细雨 drizzling ever so lightly. 想你想你想你想你 Miss you, miss you, miss you, missing you. 最后一次想你 This is the last time missing you 因为明天我将成为别人的新娘 because I will be someone else's bride tomorrow. 让我最后一次想你 Let me have this last moment missing you.